ETEN (European Training and Education Network) an extensive network which has been present in several European countries for over 10 years. Under the aegis of ETEN, the following four hosting organizations operate: 1CEBA, Austraining, Bamos and Evolvo.

Our network primarily focuses on Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects, where the goal is vocational education and training. We have a large network of territorial coordinators all over Europe who are experts in these projects. ETEN organize tailor-made programs for the participants, thus the results are not only useful but also unforgettable. Amongst many other services, ETEN provides hosting support, work placement at professional OID registered host companies (each of our locations have approximately 200 hosting companies), accommodation, meals, language courses and cultural programmes. During these 2-4 weeks of internships, students have to cope with new challenges in a new environment, which is not only a great experience, but it is also very useful in preparing them for their future.

We are able to assist schools that has no capacity to write projects on their own, while leading the project when the school participates in this unique European opportunity. The network takes responsibility for all parts of the project; provides full service from project writing and project realization to final report writing for vocational education and training schools. One of our biggest missions is to help those regions/schools to be part of the European cooperation, who otherwise would have no chance to do so.


Would you like to carry out a successful, professional and thoroughly planned Erasmus+ mobility?

Our office has 10+ experience in implementing mobilities throughout Europe – use this opportunity to broaden your school’s horizons.

In order to gain more insight , contact our colleague, Soma Pintér directly with your partnership inquiries and questions.

















The Budapest hosting organization, 1CEBA (First Central European Benefit Association) was established in 2009 as a member of ETEN. 1CEBA is specialized in implementing European Union projects within the framework of Erasmus+. With the assistance of 1CEBA, vocational students and teachers are able to complete their internship in Budapest. 1CEBA accommodations are located in the heart of the Hungarian capital, thus the participants could easily reach their workplaces and during their free time they could discover Budapest. The strongest professional sectors of 1CEBA are tourism/catering, nursing, electrical and mechanical engineering, 1CEBA cooperates with excelent partner companies in these fields, but they are more than welcomed to host participants from different professional sectors as well.



The Italian hosting organization of ETEN, Evolvo is located in the capital of Lombardy, Milan, which is one of the greatest industrial city in Italy. Evolvo was established in 2013 and since that time they are committed to provide assistance according to their best knowledge during each and every segment of project implementation. Evolvo specially pays attention to select the best fitting work placements for the participants. Their cultural events are also exquisite. Milan as a bustling industrial city, could provide a short insight for youngsters about every day worklife in a metropolis. Evolvo host the most students from the following sectors: IT, business administration, logistics, agriculte, catering and beautician, but they are able to provide assistance for participants from other fields of work.



Austraining, the Austrian hosting organization was established in 2012 in Vienna. The primary objective of Austraining is to use the know-how of its coordinators in terms of European Union project implementation. The mission of Austraining is to create as much opportunity as possible for students and youngsters to gain practical experience, develop foreign language skills and to experience Europe to the fullest. Vienna is one of the most liveable cities in the world, but industry is also a huge factor in the city. Therefore students could have a professional practice in an adorable city which has an enermous industrial background with top companies. Austraining has strong cooperation with partner companies from the field of logistics, metal work and engineering, gastronomy, tourism, IT, graphic design, forestry and environmental protection.



Bamos (Barcelona Mobility Services) is a brand new member of ETEN, established in 2017. In Barcelona, which is undoubtedly the heart of Catalonia, participants could taste a bit of the Mediterranian culture, while Bamos could provide to them a quality intership within the framework of Erasmus+. Bamos team with qualified trainers and freelancers always look for the best opportunities, companies and organizations to ensure an unforgettable work and life experience for the participants. Although Barcelona has a well-known service sector which is remarkable in Spain, the strength of Bamos is that they have an uniquely versatile network of host companies, but from all of these nursery, hospitality, social care, maritime studies, tourism, webdesign, graphic design, photography, communication, PR, media and engineering excel the most.

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