About Us

ETEN (European Training and Education Network) an extensive network which has been present in several European countries for over 10 years. Under the aegis of ETEN, the following four hosting organizations operate: 1CEBA, Austraining, Bamos and Evolvo.


Our network primarily focuses on Erasmus+ KA1 and KA2 projects, where the goal is vocational education and training. We have a large network of territorial coordinators all over Europe who are experts in these projects. ETEN organize tailor-made programs for the participants, thus the results are not only useful but also unforgettable. Amongst many other services, ETEN provides hosting support, work placement at professional OID registered host companies (each of our locations have approximately 200 hosting companies), accommodation, meals, language courses and cultural programmes. During these 2-4 weeks of internships, students have to cope with new challenges in a new environment, which is not only a great experience, but it is also very useful in preparing them for their future.

We are able to assist schools that has no capacity to write projects on their own, while leading the project when the school participates in this unique European opportunity. The network takes responsibility for all parts of the project; provides full service from project writing and project realization to final report writing for vocational education and training schools. One of our biggest missions is to help those regions/schools to be part of the European cooperation, who otherwise would have no chance to do so.

On the other hand, ETEN also closely cooperates with those schools, that already has knowledge in project writing, and they would prefer writing their own projects. In these cases, the host organizations in Budapest, Barcelona, Milan and Vienna provide limited services (a so-called slim assistance) for these experienced schools and organize the implementation of the mobility only.